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Mar 8, 2010

Movie Previews - Don't Forget to Vote

1. Chocolate - Starring Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp!

2. Eat Drink Man Woman

3. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

4. Tortilla Soup

5. Babette's Feast


  1. Wow! The Cook, the Thief, and etc. is a really daring if good choice! I would love to know what the students think about this one!

  2. Me too! Sadly, it is not doing well in the movie poll - it may not make it to the ENG102 silver screen.

  3. Tim Roth! :O

    Must watch "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover"...

  4. It's difficult to choose between "Tortilla Soup" and "Chocolat"! Both look amazing!But if I really have to choose I will. Is there any way we can view both? If not I'll rent or but the one we don't get to see.
