
homework (8) Humor (3) Blog (2) Announcement (1) Basics (1) FYI (1) Writing (1)

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Jul 14, 2010


for making this a really fun class to teach and for sharing your very many insights and ideas with me! 

Jun 7, 2010

Final conferences Weds 6/9

Come 15 minutes early!

Meet Weds June 9 th

My office: M-109A

Call if there's a problem (running late, etc. 718-482-6104)

Lenny 1130
Shimul 1140
Ryan 1150
Emely 12
Oscar 1210
Meijing 1220
Deandra 1240
Fiolina 1250
Natalie 100
Eleanor 110
Frances 120
Bori 130
Subee 140
Ruth 150
Mirian 200
Jhoan 210
Joleen 220
Jovanne 230
Estaphania 240

May 24, 2010

Blog entry - due 5/31

Reflections on Research!
What were your experiences (positive and negative) with doing research for the final research paper?  What have you learned?  What would you identify as the most useful research skill/technique?  What do you feel you still need to work on? 

Since I know you are also working on a paper, this can be pretty short (150 words)

May 20, 2010

need a summer job?

May 19, 2010

Quote Integration!

A great resource about working quotes into lit papers can be found here

May 18, 2010

Homework due May 25th (nothing due 3.19)

Homework for May 25th - Annotated Bibliography.

Homework for May 25th! Even if you missed any classes (including the 25th) , this must be done on time for credit.  BRING IT TO CLASS (you may also email if you are out on the 25th:
You will create an annotated bibliography of 5 NEW sources you might use. review for your final research paper (either a new topic or a revision of your food and magic/gender/death/creativity paper). These will be in addition to the sources you used for the first research paper.
Guidelines - At least 1 should be a book. 1 should come from a "scholarly" journal and the rest can come from any media you choose.
Here's an interesting video on the topic from CUNY's own York Colelge:

Draft My Paper from Daniel Phelps on Vimeo.

May 17, 2010


you were emailed readings (as pdf attachments) to do for today.  Please print them out,  look them over carefully and bring into class. 

Any questions/issues :

May 3, 2010

Homework for 5/5 and 5/10 + Blog entry

For Weds (5/5 - Cinco di Mayo!!!):
Read: “Short Friday” in the course pack!

For Next Monday (5/10) – Read “Babette’s
Feast” and write a 300+ word response
comparing these 2 stories on your blog.

Apr 19, 2010


+ Weds. April 21 - One page "letter of revision" intent. Comma Quiz Due.
+ Paper 2 is a REVISION of paper 1.
Draft due Mon April 26th (as a Blog - entry 5)
Final Due Weds. April 28th.
+ Midterm is Mon., May 3.

Apr 12, 2010

homework due this week

For Weds

+Final draft of 1st paper (800 words; be sure to cite the texts you quote and to have a works cited page)!

For Sat

+Blog entry (300 or more words) describing the "characterization" of one of the characters in "Tortilla Soup" - the movie we saw in class today- (If you missed class you can get a Netflix account so that you can watch it instantly.

the following Monday

+Read "January" and "Hunger Was Good Discipline" in the course pack

Apr 6, 2010

Homework Weds 4/7

+ Prepare a draft of your first paper!

Remember, you must discuss three texts (such as Book of J, the Odyssey, Like Water for Chocolate and/or Ovid's Amores I.iv.)

Remember to cite all sources, to use quotes and to use your own prose to explain the context and relevance of your quotes.

See you then!

Apr 4, 2010

Important Announcements for tomorrow's class

I can't believe vacation is almost over!

I missed you all so much.

Please print out what every you wrote for your blog. If its white type on black, flip it around so you can make notes on it and edit. Also, bring both your course pack (the one w/ readings from Odyssey etc) and Like Water for Chocolate book.

If you can forward this memo to others in your group (in case they don't use the email listed on blackboard) that would rule.

See you soon!

Mar 24, 2010

Simpson's Odyssey :)


Blog 3 (and Spring Break Homework)

Blog 3 - write 500 or more words discussing the role(s) of:
Food and gender; food and magic; food and knowledge; food and communication OR food and culture in 2 or more of the texts we have read so far.

Homework - Catch up on the reading done so far and then read books 11-12 in the Odyssey.

Have a fun break!

Mar 22, 2010

Homework for Weds 3/24

Read and understand the major plot points of Books 9 & 10 of the Odyssey (located in the "coursepack"). A little help can be found here and here. You need to read the text, but these notes can help.

Also, check out this cartoon version of the cyclops story.

And this - well, this is so ... well, its beyond description

Mar 19, 2010

Online Writing Links

Information on argumentative/persuasive essay writing here.

A nice and simple introduction to the 5 paragraph essay can be found here.

The Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club meets on Wednesdays from 2-4pm in room M-137. To be a member, you do not have to attend every meeting. If you can only come for part of the two hours, that's okay too.

Come meet other writers, share your work, and get involved! For more information, contact our President, Leroy Angel or our faculty advisor, Professor Alexander .

Wednesdays from 2-4pm in room M-137

Mar 18, 2010

Homework (due Mon 3/22)

Read the selection in the CoursePak (the photocopied book with the same picture on its cover as the one on our blog) from "the Book of J" (remember, it got placed into the course pack kind of backwards) and Ovid (trans Marlowe) I.iv from Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Blog entry #2 - Food Symbolism

The goal here is for you to 1) write a blog post in the form of a traditional 5-paragraph essay and 2) to explore, in detail, one way that food can be a SYMBOL of something else.

You can choose any symbolic food from a holiday or religious tradition to research. If you use the internet or another source for your information, be sure to cite it in your entry.

Again, - entries should be in by 11:59 PM Sat; Blog responses are due by 11:59 Sun.

Good luck!

Mar 15, 2010

Homework (due Weds 3/17)

Finish reading Like Water for Chocolate

Burger King Training Video from the 80s

Mar 13, 2010

Recipe Blog

Sounds like so many of you (and your moms) are great cooks! I made a blog where we can share recipes from anyone who is interested. It's not for credit, but it might be fun.! I put 1 recipe up to start - email me any other recipe you think should be on the blog!

Dr. M

Don't forget to VOTE for class movies! Polls closing!

Chocolat is already in!

But we need 1-2 more!

Mar 11, 2010


1. Set up blog (if you haven't)
2. Make sure its in English!
3. Make sure readers know its yours (picture and first name will help)
4. Read Jan-Aug in Like Water for Chocolate.
4. Write 300+ words in proper English reflecting on one or more ideas in the book, what food means to you and/or the ideas of xenia and ne polnon edore. (BY SAT MIDNIGHT)
5. Respond to the ideas in 4 or more classmates' blogs (you may respond to writers in the other section using the blog or your own)with 3+ sentences.

Mar 10, 2010

Mar 8, 2010

Homework for Wedensday

Set up all accounts (Blogger, Google, LaGCC email and Blackboard).
Email From lagcc account to teacher:
Add your blogaddress (AND NAME) as a comment to this post.

Buy your books
Read "January" and "February" in Like Water for Chocolate.

See you soon!

Here's a clip from the 1992 movie version of the novel you are reading:

Movie Previews - Don't Forget to Vote

1. Chocolate - Starring Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp!

2. Eat Drink Man Woman

3. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

4. Tortilla Soup

5. Babette's Feast

Mar 7, 2010


English 102: Eat, Read, Write


Dr. Lizzie McCormick ( Office: M-109A

Office Hours: Weds 12-1

Section 0839 – Mon 1-315 - Room: E145/ Weds 1-2 – Room E266

Description: The goal of this course (ENG 102) is to help you build off of what you have learned in Composition I and to introduce you to writing about literature. This semester we will read poetry and fiction about food and write paper and blog posts in response to it.

Books & Materials

You must purchase immediately and bring to class everyday!!!!!

¨ Like Water for Chocolate. Laura Esquirel. ISBN:038542017X

¨ Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Poems About Food and Drink. Ed. Peter Washington. ISBN: 140004023X

¨ Course Pack - : From YESNEKO (basement of B building)

¨ A folder to collect and keep all materials.

¨ A few blue or black pens, a highlighter and a pencil to write in a book if you want to be able to re-sell it

Writing: You will write a lot in here!

¨ Essays: You will write at lease five 500-800 word papers. Three will be done at home, while two will be timed in-class writing (these are the midterm and final). Every paper must be printed and handed to the teacher on the due date. In addition, it must be posted to your blog!

¨ Blog Entries: You will write weekly blog responses of 300 words or more – instructions will be on our course blog.

Quizzes – There will be a quiz every Weds. This quiz may cover the week’s reading and/or issues related to writing that we have discussed.


Blog Entries 20%

Participation 10%

Quizzes 10%

Paper One 10%

Paper Two 10%

Midterm 10%

Research Essay 20%

Final Exam 10%

Attendance: Students who miss more than 6 hours of class (3 class sessions) will fail the course. In addition, you are responsible to find out what you missed, get notes and changes from one of your classmates – and you have to make up work on your own. Tardiness: Lateness counts! (you get 1 free late-to-class; after that each tardy = ½ hour).

Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism

MOTTO: “I'd rather be caught holding up a bank than stealing so much as a two-word phrase from another writer.” ~Jack Smith

Acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) are serious offenses. Any evidence of cheating or plagiarism will cause the student to be reported to the Dean with my recommendation for a final grade of F, class dismissal and record of incident on student’s transcript & file. Be forewarned: There are no second chances in my class for violations of this kind. It’s always better to come and see me (or someone else you trust) beforehand to talk about the reasons you might be tempted to cheat. Don’t plagiarize or cheat – there’s always an honest solution!

Electronics, Cell phones and Food

No electronic devises actively used in the classroom. Students will take notes by hand. Laptops, Sidekicks, Blackberries, Electronic recording devices etc. will not be used. Please turn off your cell phone when you come to class. No texting!!!!! No food or drink. If you are responsible for someone who may need to reach you during class –see me to waive this rule.